U.S. Marine Sniper Instructor
Spiderman trains national S.W.A.T. and tactical law enforcement agencies.
4 years
Years of experience
U.S. Marine Corps
Former United States Marine Scout Sniper and Instructor, Spiderman Mulholland has a past time with special weapons and tactics training. Mulholland, a former Officer of the Provost Marshal and special ops tactical sniper, has the ability to take out a target at a mile away without ever being seen or discovered.
His latest adventures with S.W.A.T. teams include a national training video in which he discusses tactical advantages of the sniper in a combat and urban setting. He was chosen for the training video be cause of his unique expertise and training he received while enlisted in the United States.
His passion was always in law enforcement, but changed his occupation 25 years ago as an entrepreneur for the construction industry. Mulholland went on to build a multi million dollar corporation and has started numerous companies over two decades. He often refers to his work with S.W.A.T. teams as his hobby, especially since he does it in his spare time and without compensation in most cases. It’s a way that I can give back to law enforcement which has always been an occupation that I admire and respect, said Mulholland. Many of our law enforcement officers don’t get rich off what they do, but they have a sense of duty and respect for the public they serve. If you go into law enforcement, everyone knows you’re not in it for the money. You have to have that unique passion to protect the public and stop the bad guys, Mulholland said.
Mulholland’s career change still has a unique twist that patterns law enforcement. He is a forensic investigator and performs CSI-type investigations on residential, commercial and high rise buildings. He owns his own laboratory and consulting firm that travels all over the US diagnosing and investigating problems. I miss the daily challenges that come with local law enforcement, said Mulholland. Every time I see an officer in uniform, I just want to walk up and thank him for his sacrifice and duty to our communities. Law enforcement will always be a passion of mine said Mulholland and volunteering for things like training and schooling is a way that I can still be somewhat involved, especially with the units of special weapons and tactics. The guys in this unit are really at the top of their game and have a real professional standard in the way they approach their duties. Mulholland wrote the rappelling, high risk entry and aerial assault program for the Florida S.W.A.T teams and puts on a two day training seminar that certifies law enforcement officers in specialized rappelling and high risk entry.
Mulholland has also been asked to design a three day sniper training certification program for law enforcement that includes urban war fare, counter terrorist training, shooting and tactical employment in an urban and combat situation. Participants in the program disappear into the woods or a city and are not seen for three days. Mulholland has also honed his skills in sniping over the last 18 years by developing tactical training while playing paintball. I searched for a mechanism that could be used in training law enforcement while keeping up my own sniper training. One of his paint ball guns cost over three thousand dollars and as you might have guessed, it has a sniper barrel, full camouflage, and comes with a specialized scope that can hit an unsuspecting opponent fifty feet away in either of his goggle lenses. When you hit them in their left or right goggle lens, there’s no question that they are out of the game, said Mulholland.
Sniping on a paintball field can really put your skills to the test when you have twenty-five guys coming at you in a small wooded field or urban setting.
Mulholland has been known to let opposing paintball players walk over him only to find themselves tapped out from behind without a shot being fired. One of his more memorial times is when he took on sixty paintball players at one time at Orlando Paintball, which has the largest indoor/outdoor paintball facility in Florida. He participated in a game called Alien where you have to hit opposing players, which turns them into Aliens, and they come on your side to help. With sixty opponents against him and trapped inside three large warehouses, the fear factor becomes overwhelming said Mulholland. You can sense a large mass of people pushing through the warehouses hunting you down. They all want to shoot the marine sniper for bragging rights which can really put intensity into the game. At an average of eight paintballs per second times sixty opponents with paintball guns, well, that’s a lot of paint coming at you every second if you’re found. Mulholland stunned the crowed and Orlando paintball owner Spires Kodounis by taking out all sixty players by employing his special skills as a sniper. We flipped the odds and won that time said Mulholland. When he tried it the second time, they quickly overwhelmed him and were not so easily embarrassed. In my opinion, it is one of the best training tools you can use to practice in combat town scenarios, urban warfare or tactical insurgency in a wooded area Mulholland said. Paintballs travel about 300ft. per second and have a good accuracy up to a hundred feet. This makes this type of sport very unique for training law enforcement or just going out and having fun. In a combat town scenario, getting hit at 6 feet away with a paintball stuns even the hardcore guys. One of the best training experiences using paintball for sniper techniques is in camouflage, cover and concealment. This sharpens a snipers skill in recon, allowing you to move in close without being detected and simulating taking out targets of opportunity. If you can get away with stalking up on someone who is looking for you, then stand up behind them without notice, it really gets the point across of why they call the marine sniper “the battlefield boogie man”
The guys who know urban warfare better than anyone else and know how to get the job done, goes to the elite group called the United States Marines. They proved this when taking on the city of Fallujah in Iraq the hard way as history now records. Mulholland says the training that he was ex posed to forever change his life and he continually draw off the leadership, discipline and can do spirit. The years of training drives him both in his personal and professional life. I will always be grateful to the Marine Corps in the advance training and expertise they allowed me to be a part of. I honestly believe that it has made a big difference in the way I run my companies and the success of them Mulholland said. “Once a marine, always a marine” says Mulholland.
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