Now You Will Have No Excuses

Top rated by 23+ readers


One Book, Hundreds of Lives Changed

Jump! From a life of abuse, failure and turmoil to the life of a successful CEO of multiple companies and a worldwide institute, Scott "Spiderman" Mulholland shares his rags to riches story. It will leave you with no excuse for failure in becoming successful in your own life, despite vocation, personal handicaps and other challenges.

photo of white staircase
photo of white staircase
"This truly is a life-changing book. I know Spiderman and I know his story. He has overcome tremendous obstacles to become an extremely successful husband and father, business person, and community leader. If you want to know what it takes to go far beyond what you ever believed you could achieve, you MUST read this book."
- John Spence

Reader Reviews

Discover what people have experienced and how their lives have changed by reading Spiderman's transformative book.

WOW, Extremely Powerful and Deeply Moving !
The insight that I take away from this and the welling up of compassion, I feel will greatly benefit my youth ministry. What a blessing to read ! Thank You for sacrificing your emotions and writing this book. I read all 35 chapters from cover to cover and experienced emotional highs and lows as I could feel the compassion, grief & excitement boiling from within. This has made me a better person psychologically and spiritually ! I am purchasing extra copies for the youth to read; that are bound by the depression & inferiority in their lives. God Bless you Sir !


A Powerful & Moving Blessing!

Once I started reading this book I could not put it down! I read the whole book in one day. Spiderman gives hope for people who think their situation is hopeless. He encourages, inspires,and excites the imagination that whatever life throws at you, you can find a way for things to work things out. Go ahead and JUMP!

You CAN Make It Through Any Situation!

Marsha R DeLuca

"'Spiderman' had delivered a Bold, Transparent, Inspirational book that is loaded with how to overcome the adversities in life. One of the most powerful books I've read on how to keep moving through Tough Times. 'Spiderman' opens his life up and takes us on an emotional ride and teaches how to rise up from the deepest place in life to becoming a winner in his Personal and Professional life. A must read!"
- Joe Pici

Reading like a spy novel, this page-turner burns into your psyche like a red hot poker.

Intimidating, loud, unvarnished- This story grips the reins of excuses, and pours out....


Daniel H. Osborne

Rend Your Heart, Then Your Excuses!

Amazing book! Really uplifting and motivating! I am amazed that he could go through all that and rise above it and be successful in every facet of life.

Must read!!!

Jason Mills